
CYC and the CODs at Conwy Seed Fair 2024

Conway Yacht Club supports the Conwy Seed Fair.CYC and the CODs were present at the Conwy Seed Fair for the second year running promoting the Club, talking to people about…


NOTIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL CLUB MEMBER’S SUCCESSDear Club Members, Last night I had the privilege to attend the annual Conwy Sports Awards held at the Venue Cymru which was attended by over…

CODBLOG24: Fitting Out

It would have been nice to refit Gwalch with all new fittings. Our budget, however, doesn’t run to new Harken blocks etc. so we are largely making do with what…

CODBLOG23: The Paintjob

We had many discussions, mostly around the bar, about the final colour of the hull. Dark colours are not so good with sunlight (if we ever get any) and we…