Captain David Warden-Owen awarded British shipping’s highest honour, the Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service.

David with Maritime Minister Baroness Vere who presented the medals

The Club would like to congratulate David Warden-Owen on being awarded the prestigious Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service in recognition of his work supporting maritime charities.   The ceremony, held on 22 November 2022 at Trinity House, recognised 14 maritime professionals for services to the marine sector. The medals were presented by the Maritime Minister Baroness Vere.

During his career with both Cunard and Saga David was involved with fundraising for many charities, in particular Mercy Ships, Logos and the Salvation Army, often taking the opportunity to visit the many projects that the ships were supporting around the World. On his retirement David has volunteered with charities in Conwy including: the YWAM (Youth with a Mission) conversion of the ex naval supply ship Island Reach into a medical relief vessel to serve unreached communities in Madagascar, the restoration of the Helen II, a Prawner fishing boat built in 1910 by John Crossfields of Conwy, and the Guillemot Trust who’s aim is to give people of all ages, but especially the young, the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of sailing.

On receiving the medal David commented,

‘This is a very great honour, I never anticipated I would ever get this. I had a career at sea for over 50 years which I enjoyed immensely and this is the icing on the cake.’

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