CYC COD Race Report: Crew Race


  • 29th June (postponed)
  • 30th June (raced)

Series / Race

  • Crew Race


Nil wind on Saturday 29th so race postposed.

Sunday: NW BFT3 gusting 4 dry overcast slight swell


  • Course A from club line


  • COD no. 8 Gwalch, Helm: Gary Butler, Crew: Michael Leahy and Sion Williams
  • COD no. 15 Mercury Helm: Mike Robertshaw. Crew: Colin Lee

Race Officer

  • Pam MacDonald


  • Cox: Keith Simpson and Vic Edwards


  • 1: Gwalch
  • Mercury retired due gear failure


Earlier in the week the Club Sailing on Thursday had been cancelled due to strong winds but by Saturday there wasn’t even a breath on the glassy water in the river. Not enough even to stem the tide so RO Peter Roberts postponed the race.

Much better conditions the following day: a gentle breeze from the North West and dry.

Pam MacDonald kindly stepped in to cover the Race Officer duty and Keith and Vic provided cover in Sior.

As this was the Crew race, Gwalch and Mercury’s owner’s relinquished the helm to their normal crew.

Both boats made a good clean start and set off towards the channel. Always a tricky part of the race as the end of the line favoured by the wind is in the strongest adverse tide. The channel has to be crossed at some point but this will be at the cost of considerable lee-way.

Mercury and Gwalch were close up to the first mark at Channel buoy 8 but Gwlach rounded first and maintained her lead, extending it on the second beat back from the Club Mark to Channel buoy 8. Mercury couldn’t point as high and soon found herself in Gwalch’s lee.

Sadly, on the second lap’s run back towards the Club Mark, Mercury was forced to retire due to an equipment failure with Gwalch well in the lead.

The race was shortened and Gary Butler takes the honours this year for the crew race. Well done Gary!

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