Club Startline maintenance

Thanks to Mike Gunning (CYC Hon Measurer). Keith Simpson (Bosun). Ben Nichols (House Chair), Jim Bateman, Kit Edwards and Michael Leahy (Sailing Captain) for the work party to do some much needed maintenance at the Club Tower on the Start Line masts.

These masts when lined up form a transit across the river which is the official start line for many of our sailing races.

The mast on the Tower was lowered and a new block and halyard for the flags installed. Also a new shape, fabricated by Mike Gunning was fixed to the top.

The mast on the beach was also lowered despite some very intransigent bolts which we had to grind off and drill out and the pole was rubbed down and painted with primer and hammerite top-coat. A second shape also fabricated by Mike Gunning was then fixed on replacing the amusing but now very shabby “Men at Work” sign that has been there for a number of years.

Both masts were then raised and secured.

Thanks too to Sue’s Beach Hut for keeping us well supplied with tea, toasties and ice cream!

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